Commuters in Perth, Australia work together to free a man trapped between the train and the platform. By working as a team and putting others first, we can achieve big goals.

When We Work Together, We Can Achieve Big Goals

Allan Hardy, Principal
Throughout the past years, I have used assembly as an opportunity to speak with students about the school’s core values. During our first assembly of this year, I recounted for students an incident that happened in Perth, Australia during the summer to illustrate the importance of working together.
During the morning commute, a young man’s leg accidentally became trapped between the door of the train and the platform. Fortunately, another commuter signaled the platform attendant and the train did not leave the station. Initially, two attendants tried to lift the trapped man from the gap, and when this failed, they asked all people on the train to stand on one side of the train in the hope that this would widen the gap. When this attempt did not work, the passengers departed the train and worked together to push the train far enough so that the man was able to free his leg. He was unhurt and able to board the next train.

As I indicated to students, the resolution of this incident shows the importance of looking out for one another and the power of teamwork. Helping each other is a key element of the Greenwood community. Eating lunch with someone who is new to the school or assisting a classmate with something he or she does not understand are just two ways students can help each other at the beginning of a new school year.

By working as teams, big goals can be achieved. I reminded students that we need to work together to adapt to the changes in our daily routines needed to accommodate the expansion project. School events such as our Spirit House activities are much more exciting when everyone participates and pulls together. By putting the needs of others first, we become part of something much bigger than ourselves.
    • Commuters in Perth, Australia work together to free a man trapped between the train and the platform. By working as a team and putting others first, we can achieve big goals.