Bring on the great outdoors!

Bring on the great outdoors! 

I can feel the anticipation as we head into Outdoor Education Week! From eyeing the weather forecast, packing and repacking gear, or dreaming of the chance to once again see the starry night sky, our students and staff are getting set for adventure.  These expeditions offer our students the opportunity to step out of their comfort zones, face challenges head-on, and cultivate essential life skills. The wonderful activities that our students participate in during our OE trips are a cornerstone of our commitment to holistic student development. 

On trip, our students not only bond with nature but also with each other, fostering friendships and teamwork. These experiences provide a unique setting for collaboration, encouraging students to work together, solve problems, and build lasting friendships. The challenges presented by outdoor activities help develop resilience and a growth mindset, instilling the belief in our students that they can overcome obstacles with determination and perseverance. This supervised and supported success – remember, cross-country skiing is harder than it looks! – will help them in the years to come. 

I have heard students describe some OE trips as “Type II” fun; in the moment, being wet, cold, tired or scared didn’t feel “fun” at all but looking back on the shared experience is one of their favourite memories. 
Importantly, these trips also offer a refreshing break from the digital world, allowing our students to unplug from their screens and social media and immerse themselves in the beauty of the natural environment. This time away from phones and gadgets promotes mental well-being, encourages mindfulness, and provides a chance for self-discovery.

At Greenwood, we believe these outdoor education trips are not only a source of challenge and adventure but also joy and fun (even if it is Type II fun). The experiences contribute significantly to the personal and social development of our students, and help strengthen our positive school culture built on including and supporting one another. I am confident that the memories created during these experiences will stay with our students for a lifetime.

There are a few students who are unable to attend this winter OE session for a variety of reasons. We know it can also be hard to miss out and we look forward to your next opportunity to join your classmates on an OE adventure. 

For those heading on trip: be sure to pack for yourself, pack proper clothing and lots of layers so you can be warm and comfortable (or a sunhat and sunscreen if you are heading to Costa Rica), and be open to trying new things next week. Here's to an OE trip of growth, discovery, and unforgettable outdoor adventures!