What Creates A Sense of Community?

Erin Taylor, Communications Officer
In assembly today, Sarah Bruce talked about the ways communities can define themselves and how that identity can create pride in the community.
In the town of Indian Hills, a community centre’s frequently changing sign features a little joke or pun. It is a fixture with locals, and spreads joy and smiles to travellers driving through the town. Thanks in large part to these fun puns, Ms. Bruce said, Indian Hills has defined themselves locally through its sense of humour.

At Greenwood, we also use markers to define ourselves. According to Ms. Bruce, one of those is the school uniform. Wearing the uniform properly builds pride in Greenwood. Ms. Bruce thanked students for wearing their uniforms proudly each day.

Another Greenwood tradition that defines our community? Our enthusiastic participation in the annual Terry Fox Run. Greenwood has a history of strong fundraising and enthusiastic participation, with students demonstrating their strong community-mindedness.

Ms. Bruce ended her presentation with a video from the Terry Fox Foundation, reminding us of the difference that a single individual can make. Students will be participating in the Terry Fox run this Friday, carrying on his dream of finding a cure for cancer.